Entrepreneurial Finance Lab

Entrepreneurial Finance Lab: Harvard Efl Global

Entrepreneurial Finance Lab: Harvard Efl Global

Entrepreneurial Finance Lab (EFL) is an innovative research initiative founded by Harvard’s Center for International Development in partnership with leading financial institutions across the developing world. The lab’s psychometric credit scoring tech enables lenders to assess the creditworthiness of entrepreneurs and SMEs who traditionally lack access to finance. Spearheaded by Bailey Klinger, a Harvard Kennedy School professor, and Joan Farre-Mensa, the initiative has a global reach, with operations in Latin America, Asia, Africa, and beyond. The important work conducted by the Entrepreneurial Finance Lab has been recognized by the G-20 and has made a significant impact on the ability of small businesses to emerge and grow.

Harvard’s commitment to empowering entrepreneurial growth globally is further solidified by the success of the Entrepreneurial Finance Lab. Through their innovative psychometric credit scoring system, they have helped numerous SMEs gain access to the funding they need to thrive and expand. Research at the Harvard Center for International Development continues to drive the lab’s impact, enabling lenders to make informed decisions based on reliable data rather than traditional credit scores.

One of the most innovative solutions in the SME finance sector, the Entrepreneurial Finance Lab has truly revolutionized how financial institutions across the world operate. By providing an alternative to traditional credit scoring methods, the lab’s psychometric approach has paved the way for greater financial inclusion and economic growth, both locally and globally.


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