Online Sales Business Code

Online Sales Business Code: Naics Code 454110 Classification

Online Sales Business Code: Naics Code 454110 Classification

NAICS code 454110 is the classification for electronic shopping and mail-order houses. This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in retailing a wide variety of new and used merchandise over the internet.

Establishments primarily engaged in retailing miscellaneous store retailers are included in this industry. The NAICS code 454110 is a part of the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), which is a classification system used by businesses and industry professionals to classify and compare business activities.

Businesses under NAICS code 454110 may engage in retail sales through internet publishing, providing internet publishing of classified ads, and facilitating business-to-business electronic sales of new and used merchandise. They may also host internet retail sites without performing associated retail sales or operate a combination of store retailing and nonstore retailing.

The NAICS Association assigns a NAICS code for online retail business activity to categorize business-to-business electronic sales of new and used merchandise on an auction basis. This code system helps in accurately classifying businesses in the retail trade industry, whether they are solely engaged in store retailing or a combination of store retailing and nonstore retailing.


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