The First Artificial Intelligence Coloring Book

The First Artificial Intelligence Coloring Book: Cohen Harold Art



The First Artificial Intelligence Coloring Book: Cohen Harold Art

Harold Cohen, a pioneer in the field of art and computers, has created the world’s first artificial intelligence coloring book with the help of his computer program. The book, titled Cohen Harold Art, includes thirty-five computer-made drawings that readers can draw and colour to their heart’s content.

Each drawing can be generated by a computer program that Cohen himself created, showcasing the complex relationship between human creativity and machine AI.

Whether you’re a child looking for a fun art book, a scientist interested in the process of art creation by a computer, or simply an art lover, this new book by Harold Cohen is a rare and exciting addition to the world of AI art.

Cohen’s artwork is a blend of simple shapes and complex textures, all created with the help of his computer program and javascript required machine AI. Each page in the book offers a different image, waiting for the reader to add their own colourful touch to it. This unique book will make you question whether art created by a computer can be as captivating and inspirational as art created by a human being


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