JA Finance Park

Find JA Finance Park: Junior Achievement of Greater Washington

Find JA Finance Park: Junior Achievement of Greater Washington

JA Finance Park is an experiential learning center operated by Junior Achievement of Greater Washington, providing hands-on simulation experiences for high school students to learn about personal financial management. The program is designed to enhance students’ financial literacy and equip them with the necessary skills to make informed financial decisions in the future. Through a combination of classroom curriculum and the JA Finance Park experience, students are able to practice what they’ve learned by developing a personal budget and creating a financial plan for their future.

At JA Finance Park, students are given the opportunity to participate in career exploration activities and learn about entry-level positions in various industries. By utilizing resources available in JA, such as JA teachers and volunteers, students are able to gain a better understanding of how to successfully navigate today’s complex economic environment. The JA Finance Park facility also offers a virtual component, allowing students to further enhance their personal finance skills through interactive online activities.

Junior Achievement’s capstone program at JA Finance Park equips students with the necessary skills to successfully navigate today’s complex economic environment. By providing students with real-world scenarios and the opportunity to make financial decisionspersonal budget, students are able to gain practical experience in managing their personal finances effectively. The program aims to empower students to become financially responsible adults and make informed financial decisionsfuture.


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